Thursday, December 18, 2008

Poor Augusto

So August "left" his phone at the church,(I stole it), and so we decided to play a little joke on him. I got Hubbs our 3rd year to call him 11 times and leave different voice mails saying "If you dont call me back in 5 minutes, for every minute after that its cons time, times 10!. And if you don't know what i'm talking about well then you wouldn't get it anyway. So when he got back to the church i gave him his phone back and told him that i thought That Hubbs had been trying to call him. Later he got the voice mails and was flippin out cause it equalled up to 18 hours of cons time. Hubbs then told him that he needed to talk to him after class was over... and this is what happened. 
*NOTE* - The concerned look on his face and his many apologies, what a NICE GUY.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Well, I guess there's no doubt that August is a man of integrity...

indian.paintbrush said...

My dearest August-
How your character remains.
Indeed a man of integrity.
But how sad it only makes you the perfect candidate for these kind of escapades. ; )

*one more day!

Anonymous said...

poor august... i can't believe you did that too him.. he was like freaking out the last time i talked to him!!! Miss you boys!!!!!

btw.. to post thhis comment my word was
ormookro... can that be used for anything